Course: Reciprocal
One of the value added benefits of purchasing a Membership at the Magrath Golf Club is the ability to take advantage of golf privileges at other golf courses in the area. We are excited to once again offer a Reciprocal Program to our valued Members.
Participating Facilities Include: Hell’s Creek Golf Course in Raymond, Cardston’s Lee Creek Golf Club and the Magrath Golf Club.
Members from each golf facility can enjoy a 25% off discount on Rack Rates for green fees (not including cart) everyday of the week. Tee times are based on availability. Power carts are based on availability. All Members using the Reciprocal Program will have a 2-Day (48 hrs) advance booking window and may be required to show ID in order to receive the Reciprocal discount when checking in.
Please contact the Golf Shop at 403.758.3054 ext.1 if you have any questions regarding the Reciprocal Program.