Course: Leagues
Men's League
Tuesday & Thursday Men's League
We are going to try and run regular league this year! Your team will be competing against a different team each week.
​Price TBD per team for the season
$25 per player on your team
Sign up your team or register as an individual or spare!
For more information and to register, reach out to Men's League President,
Tom Lee.
Phone: 403-382-1377

Senior Men's League & Interclub
Our Seniors' League operates every Tuesday morning starting at 9:00am during our peak season. Come out for the fun! *Registration is at 8:00am for the 9:00am Tee Time Start.
(start times subject to change based on time of the season).
Contact Marvin Lee for more information! 403-758-3637.
Also, consider joining Senior Men's Interclub!
Play different courses each week as a team. Join in on the fun!
Contact Marvin Lee for more information and to sign up. 403-758-3637
Tuesday Night Ladies League
Our Ladies League focuses on FUN and FRIENDLY play on Tuesday nights starting at 6pm. Play 9-Holes. $45 league fees and non-Members must pay for League GF's and Carts. Drop-Ins are Welcome!
Golfers of all calibers welcome! Join with your friends or play with someone new!
For more info or to register contact Betty Orich at 403.894.4203.
Wednesday Morning Ladies' League
Starting May, 5th
Tee times starting at 11:30 with 2-4 tee times booked.
Please book 2 weeks in advance
Non-members $55 incl. cart or $60 incl. cart for single rider.
$2 prize fee that will be split between the two winners each week.
For more info or to register contact Winona Coburn at twcoburn@shaw.ca

Junior League
The most important things for Junior golfers is to have FUN while learning about golf, so our Junior League is designed for novice golfers and will cover every aspects of the game from rules, etiquette and basic fundamentals.
Junior Membership is required to participate in our Junior League:
$100 - ages 5-12
$150 - ages 13-17
18 years of age and older is considered an adult membership (depending which category you fall under).
League fee (price TBD) (on top of membership) goes towards prizing, food, and membership tag for the 2023 season.
There will be a lesson from 2:00pm to 2:30pm, then from 2:30pm to 3:00pm we will play the '5-hole-loop' and finish with a skills challenge on the short game practice area.
Only for our Magrath Golf Club Junior Members. Become a Junior Member today to get full access to our league!
For more info or to register please contact Glen at 403.758.3054 ext.4
Junior Golf League Events
This is an additional opportunity for our juniors to play other courses and grow their skills as well! We are encouraging all juniors to sign up as it will be a great experience!
- $10 sign up fee - covers prizes and food
- Competitive and Non-Competitive groups for all skill sets
-Play against other Juniors from Cardston & Raymond
- Activities include 9 holes of golf, as well as driving, chipping and putting games.
- Please sign up in the pro shop a week in advance to participate in this fun opportunity!